Saturday, July 08, 2006

Where does this end?

I'm just walking on the road, I just look around and all I see is different people trying to cheat other people to earn money. One question that comes to my mind is "Why is there so much corruption". And theres only one answer that i could fathom "Greed". Greed is the only cause of all corruption. Everyone wants more than what they truly deserve. People want more money than they earn, students want more marks than they have actually have studied for. I am honest enough to admit that I've been a victim of my surroundings and have been forced to cheat a few times, but I am not proud of my deeds. Even the law-enforcers of this country, our policemen are the biggest cheaters and bribe takers, and it is a universally known fact. Money has now become the be-all and end-all of our life. Despite all the measures taken by our country to minimise the divide between the rich and the poor( Yes.. Reservations included), it is a known fact that the rich are getting richer and the poor are becoming poorer. Tax evasion, corrupt politicians, government servants all add to the corruption. People say that "The government is so corrupt, why shouldn't we also be corrupt?". This is the start of a vicious circle. Where does this end?? I am baffled. This has been the case all my life, and I still dont see any sort of a solution.

I just remembered one book that I read called "The Art of War". In that there's a king who has a army which is highly indisciplined, so the king asks a general to discipline the soldiers. So the general calls one soldier and chops off his head, and tells the others that if they continue the same way, they would also suffer the same fate.

Moral: In order to bring discipline, you got to be disciplined.
This is the sort of determination required by the authorities in order to make a reasonable change. RDB is another well known example. Corruption is slowing the economic development of our country. Also the rich people are treating money like trash, they are spending like crazy and the biggest irony is that they still want more!

Also recent events like Pramod Mahajan's death, the fight between the Ambani brothers are all because of fights over money. Come on people, the Ambani brothers, ruined the reputation of Dhirubai Ambani who IMHO was a great man. Hope people learn something out of all this and we see a corruption free world, I know this is not possible in my life ;) but atleast some time in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how the same sets of stressors occupy the minds of people like us. It is all the more surprizing that how the rate of multiplication of vice is far more geometrical than that of virtuous deeds! Understandbly, just like natural evolution, goodness grows like sensitive, careful growth of cells and tissues, whereas the vice and evil proliferates like malignant cancerous outburst. I can so well identify with greed. I am so comfortable with greed. I worry about a new car, knowing that the lady who comes to my house to broom it and clean it keeps herself busy the entire day to make her ends meet and feed her three kids. I do think about her, but my mind diverts me to other 'important' things like having another credit card or buying myself a new pair of branded shoes.

I philosophize... the creator meant the world to be like this. I reason the anomalies out.. almost justifying all heinous activities of this Age. Maybe.. when I'm blown up in a bomb attack or when a loved one would be a victim of spurious medicine - I would fumble into my numb conscience.. may be..

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