Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wonders or Blunders??

Well, its been an interesting fortnight or so, with so many things happening all round the globe like the Glasgow car bombing,the violence in Islamabad and the death of the 6 yr old boy Suraj after spending 2 days in a 180 feet deep hole. But the piece of news that has caused me most anguish is the news surrounding the "New 7 Wonders of the World" and all the unnecessary hype that it has generated.

Most of you will be puzzled as to what is the thing that troubles me regarding the 7 Wonders. I could and will be listing out the points!

1. The Method itself:
I dont think that it makes sense to judge a monument simply based on the number of votes that are received. If thats the case, the Taj Mahal will be in the list forever!! Thanks to a billion people and more!! There is much more to a monument, and certain factors like history, beauty, culture, architecture and antiquity need to be considered, at least they are worthy of mention somewhere(apart from blind faith/patriotism)!!

2. The Excessive Campaigning:
It really amazes me when i see the levels to which people as well as nations stoop, just to advertise the monument that they like. A few examples..
a. In Brazil, the President Lula da Silva had used a radio address to tell his citizens the procedure to vote for their 'Wonder', "Christ the Redeemer" at Rio de Janeiro.
b. In Peru, internet kiosks were set up by the government so that it would become easier for the citizens to vote for their beloved "Machu Pichu".
c. In India............. Do I even need to tell you what was flashing across news channels all around?? ;)

3. The extent of Ignorance surrounding the whole thing!

a. Most people dont know that this vote has been privately funded by a Switzerland-based organisation called New Open World Corporation, set up by a film maker called Stephen Weber. UNESCO’s former chief Federico Mayor and his committee did draw up the shortlist of 21 wonders, after which they withdrew. None of the voters realise that this vote has "no scientific or official stature", which was the reason Egypt did not go around campaigning for "The Pyramids", supposedly laughing at the idea that they needed to contest in a stupid vote!

b. They dont know anything, be it about the monuments that they are voting or the other monuments which are contesting.

c. They dont know about the previous Wonders' lists, be it the seven ancient/modern/medeival wonders.

d. They fail to realise that the main people profiting out of it will be the telecom operators.

e. Lastly, they think that voting for the monument belonging to their country is an act of patriotism!! Oh purr-leeez!!!

Most of you would be thinking that I'm venting out my frustration through this post, and I think that you are damn right!! The citizens of this world need to get a life and need to find better ways to spend their time and money!! Maybe blogging is the right way out afterall ;)
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